It was bordering on being overcrowded out there today with a massive 14 players up for a game; great turnout guys and gals ! A big welcome back to Steve (Chappers) Chapman, here on a brief visit, and to Rob and Chris Cowin joining us. We stretched the awards to 5 places this week (Christmas coming and all that) and awarded the mention to Chappers with 28 points, beaten on countback by two others as fifth place, with 28 points, winning his 2 Euro back was Allan McEwan. Fourth place, with the best 28 points, winning 3 Euro was Ron Marsh. In third place was Rob Cowin with 29 points winning 5 Euro. Our runner-up was Bill Ferguson with 30 points winning 8 Euro. The top spot, with 32 points winning 10 Euro was Alan Young; well done Alan and great to see you getting some of that old form back again. Unfortunately the 'Teams' event planned for last Saturday was postponed due to a last minute shortfall in numbers available to play but it will be re-scheduled, probably in the new year. We will start to see a thinning out of attendees as the Christmas period arrives and people head off for a break but for those who are able lets look forward to another great day on the course next Tuesday.
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